Sunday, May 11, 2014

Leg 5 - El Paso, TX to San Antonio, TX

Left El Paso at what I thought was 4:40 am. Turns out it was 5:40 am as my iPhone did not have the local time.  I had to change my iPhone settings to change the time automatically. 

My plan was to make it to San Antonio. It was a little longer then what I had been riding but there really wasn't a whole lot between El Paso and San Antonio.

I stopped in Fort Stockton, TX about 10:30 am to gas up a second time and get some breakfast. I ate at a local place called Pepitos. Tuns out it was a good choice. I met up with a couple of riders who were heading back to Corpus Christi, TX after a weekend ride. They would be going through San Antonio on their way back to Corpus Christi.

The following photo of Vince and Jen was taken at a gas stop in San Antonio. Vince was riding his Harley and Jen her Buell. 
Vince and Jen

After riding with them I came away with a new found respect for West Texas riders. They took the 16 - 20+ mph crosswinds with ease. Since the speed limit on I 10 is 80 mph and allowing for a little overage, we ate up the miles pretty quickly. Vince took the lead, Jen in the middle and me taking up the rear. We gassed up every 100 miles or so and took the opportunity to drink much needed water as the temperature was in the mid 80's.

Vince and Jen dropped me off in San Antonio and went on to their final destination, Corpus Christi.

Thank you both. I recovered some much needed skills on the ride.

I checked into a motel in San Antonio around 5 pm and took a well deserved shower. Currently sitting at the motel restaurant washing down the road dust with a Stella or maybe two and having dinner.

Overall, 531 miles and 9 1/2 hours.

Tomorrow I make the short 205 mile trip to Houston, TX where I plan on spending several days visiting with my brother, niece, nephew and their families.

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